Welcome to The Small Victories Sunday Linky #16!
I get to co-host The Small Victories Sunday linky again this week with Tanya from Mom’s Small Victories! The Small Victories Sunday Linky is a way to share and celebrate your small victories with others each week. Whether it’s a fabulous book you read, a recipe your family loved, a home organizing project you completed, a goal you accomplished, or an awesome old or new blog post you wrote, Small Victories Sunday is the chance to share positive, uplifting, and inspiring posts. I am so honored to be a part of this wonderful event!
Please Follow The Hosts:
Ways you can follow me: Subscribe / Facebook / Google + / Pinterest / Twitter
Ways you can follow Tanya at Mom’s Small Victories: Subscribe / Facebook / Google + / Instagram / Pinterest / Twitter
This Week’s Featured Blogger:

<div align="center"><a href="http://momssmallvictories.com/small-victories-sunday/" title="Small Victories Sunday" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src="http://momssmallvictories.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/small-victories-sunday-link-featured-blogger-200x200.jpg" alt="Small Victories Sunday" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
I’m happy to announce my Featured Blogger for this week, Kim from The Cookie Puzzle. Kim, feel free to grab the above Featured Blogger button for your blog and share your good news! Be sure to visit Tanya from Mom’s Small Victories to see which blogger she featured whose post earned the most views this week.
Kim’s post, “Cookies for iPads – A Call for Help” is a wonderful post! It describes some simple things each of us can do to help support Autism awareness and to give those children with Autism a voice. You should check it out!
My Weekly Recap & Next Week’s Goals:
Each week Tanya from Mom’s Small Victories takes a moment to recap her reading, cooking, health, and personal goals that she has been working towards and the achievements she has made, both big and small. I absolutely love the idea of a weekly reflection and celebration of small victories and have decided to do the same today!
- This week I continued to work on the next post in my “Simplify Your Life and Get Organized” Series”. I am finding so many fun ideas on Pinterest- it is hard to decide which post to do next. I am leaning towards doing a post all about organizing mudrooms and a central communication center for the family. I am also enjoying browsing the posts that have been linked in “Small Victories Sunday #15”- I am meeting some fun bloggers and getting to celebrate their victories!
- Next week I start to create my profile and “Spring Picks” for a feature being done about The Mindful Shopper on a fun decorating and design blog out of the UK. I have picked my color scheme for the feature- I now just need to find some fabulous home decor pieces to accompany the feature!
Thankful For Small Victories:
- I am excited to announce the launch of my post Featured Artist Nicole Marshall and A Five Favorites Giveaway! I invite each of you to stop by and learn more about Nicole and her wonderful jewelry and to enter the fun giveaway for a chance to win one of her pieces of jewelry!
- I am so thankful to have been asked to co-host The Small Victories Sunday! A big thanks to Tanya for a wonderful experience!
Now It’s Your Turn to Share Your Favorite Posts and Small Victories!

<div align="center"><a href="http://momssmallvictories.com/small-victories-sunday/" title="Small Victories Sunday" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1354.photobucket.com/albums/q681/momsvictories/0b596c19-7bb3-4256-89d4-2ff3932da329_zpse9b1cc3f.jpg" alt="Small Victories Sunday" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Linky Rules:
- Follow Tanya and me so you stay informed of Small Victories Sunday updates and posts shared throughout the week.
- Grab the Small Victories Sunday button above and place it in your sidebar, linky page, or the post you are linking up.
- Share up to 3 of your favorite family-friendly blog posts. Enter your link below and let’s celebrate our small victories together!
- Visit as many of the other participants as you can and cheer them on. Please visit at least 2 others for every link you enter.
- By linking up, you are giving Tanya and me permission to share your post(s) on our social media pages to let others know of your awesomeness!
- By linking up, you are giving Tanya permission to email you notifications when the linky is open. You can unsubscribe to emails at any time.
- Spread the word! The more you share about the linky, the more visitors you will get to see your content.
- Stop by the Small Victories Sunday Linky Board on Pinterest and like and repin the posts to your boards.
- Need inspiration? Click here for Small Victories writing prompts, but the sky is the limit.
- Interested in Co-hosting? Send Tanya an email at tanya@momssmallvictories.com.
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Linking this post up with these other fabulous linkies too:
Thanks so much for co-hosting with me and congrats for being my Featured Blogger with the most # of clicks from last week’s linkup! I hope you grab the Featured Blogger button for your sidebar.
I love the series to help get organized and think the mud room/mail communication center is a good one. Tackling mail is definitely an ongoing challenge. I am so glad you agreed to co-host with me and hope you enjoy this week’s linky as well!
Hello Tanya!
I have had a wonderful experience co-hosting Small Victories Sunday! What fun to also be the Featured Blogger! I am honored and will definitely display the button with pride!
-Amy Kathleen
Thank you for the linky
You are welcome Sky! Thanks so much for stopping by!
-Amy Kathleen